Texans wish they were as rich as most people think they are.
Texans wish Alaska was half its size.
Texans wish the rest of the country would realize when they are joking and when they're serious.
Texans wish loud, obnoxious people from other states would not claim to be from Texas.
Texans wish Alabama would've kept their imported fire ants to themselves.
Texans wish Oklahoma would consider another sport besides football. Crocheting maybe??
Texans really do wish they all had an oil well in their backyard.
Texans wish non-Texans would stop criticizing the way they talk because Texans are proud of their distinct use of the
English language.
Texans wish out-of-state people would realize there is a way to start a conversation. You have to ask about the family,
your health and how you like the weather before conducting any business.
Texans wish the folks back East could see a beautiful field of Bluebonnets, see a gorgeous sunset and sleep under the
stars on a clear, warm Texas night.
Texans wish they could borrow Colorado in the month of August.
Texans wish everyone knew that it is completely acceptable to wear cowboy boots with a suit.
And, lastly, Texans wish everyone could have as much fun and enjoy life as much as they do.